Sunday, July 26, 2009

Original Castle Levels Project

I have been receiving many inquiries regarding this project and the book of tales, essays and other early day commentaries, Lord of the Green Dragons. An in depth synopsis of the Castle project follows.

When PPP put these into the production schedule we had two projects due out at the time which would float, so to speak, the publication of the Castle project and LotGD. Unfortunately, the person that was to complete these projects did not do so. This set us back with everything thereafter, and the publishing schedule had to be remade (as is now being addressed). In between, Ed Kann finished the FC illustrations (4, with 2 having already been finished by ATOM); Ed was then to do what Ramsey Dow is now doing, re-render the six (6) castle levels. Unfortunately, again, Ed had to drop out of gaming and associated creating due to very personal issues, which I understood. While taking up the slack for the missing two projects to keep us on target with releases, I now found myself scrambling to get all the pre-press stuff juggled as well, and that is where Ramsey, Hextor bless his soul, came in (with help from his beautiful lady, "Z").

Ramsey and I are working at breakneck speeds to get everything finished. The Castle levels (at least these first 6, as there are more to follow), will be released in 2 sets of x3 levels each, with an estimated page count of 24-32 printed pages per booklet and with three booklets per set. Each will have a color map and a reproduction of my hand-drawn original map. The levels will either be available as single issues or as sets, as noted, with a sizable discount if one purchases the sets. This will also allow a reduction in combined mailing costs as opposed to being purchased separately over time.

There is so much Original Campaign material slated for future publication that I am quite sure that I will be kept busy for many years to come. Beside the Castle Levels, there is the City, the extensive sewers beneath, Special levels (like the Annex), Demonworld, more magic, NPCs and PCs from the OC, spells, one-off adventures and army/unit organizations, etc., etc. Though I contributed about 15 levels to the OCastle, by that time many of the PCs were moving to the outdoor and city adventures (or specials); so as EGG continued crafting rules and such, I was busy with campaign crafting, and was getting more detailed about things from the way they originally appeared in our sketch notes. Major work was done by myself on the City and Sewers, for example, and that is why I have elected to add that to a growing list of future products for the line.

I hope that explains a little and more of my intent and position regarding this project. It has the highest priority after our next drive, which I hope is a successful one. :) After the Castle levels we should be in a poisition to do LotGD, which is for the most part finished except for 10,000 additional words and then editing.


Timeshadows said...

Sounds great. :D

UruDnd said...

Looking forward to it! ;-)

Anonymous said...

"Each will have...a reproduction of my hand-drawn original map."

Awesome. That's one of the many things I love about your Bottled City: the hand-drawn map, which has much more character than a computer one.

Joethelawyer said...

Can't wait! All sneak previews appreciated. :)

Andrew (better known as Drew) said...

Heh. Should I just hand you the keys to my bank account now? Or do you prefer to drain it in installments?

Looks like some good stuff coming down the pike.

Endymion said...

Rob, I had despaired of ever seeing the real City of Greyhawk. You've given me hope . . . but man have you ever got a LOT of work to do . . . .

Lord Ghul of Hyperborea said...

This is some of the best news for Greyhawk fans. RJK = Greyhawk. I eagerly await each product release.

Jeff Talanian

Anonymous said...

Excellent!! :-)