Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tower of Blood 2nd Printing Shipping

The ordering platform was enabled for ToB 2nd Printing at 12:19pm CST.

Thanks to the fans who voiced such strong interest in this!


  1. Any chance for an autographed copy?

  2. As I just ordered three copies, I think they should ALL come autographed... :-)

  3. I brought my 1st printings down to North TX RPG Con to get Lance to sign them, but then he didn't come back to the show after Friday, so it'll have to wait for next year....


  4. To heck with an autograph... had me at "Tower of Blood 2nd Printing". (sigh)


  5. Time Shadows: Sure, I will sign anything including tissue (and I have). Just request it with the order. :)

    Grodog: Yeah, I missed Lance afterwards, too. I wanted to chat some more with him outside of the game.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yeh, our site can be a pain at times with the new browser upgrades. We've posted Help Ordering info on the main page and it is also available from the main menu

    Hope that helps. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hmmm. I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 and I can login to the main PPP site with no problem.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry I wasn't on top of this, TS, but I was swamped getting orders packed and being somewhat under the weather for the past two days.

    I received the order, thank you. :) I believe the issue is with Firefox for Windows, and as I recall those with Mac FF (as with Yesmar and myself) do not have the issue, though this is but a guess on my part.

    We are currently working to upgrade the store services and I have a request in to our "tech" person to do so, though I have no definite date on when this will transpire in the next month. Hopefully that will resolve this annoyance.

  12. Rob,

    Received my copy recently, and have read through it.
    --Very interesting. :)
    ---Thank you for your autograph. :D

    I'll have to see if I can adapt it for the current phase of my game.
    --The PCs are shopping for a fortress. :D


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