Monday, December 21, 2009

Noble Knight Games and Pied Piper Publishing Sign Exclusive Distribution Agreement

PPP NEWS:  12/20/09

Aaron Leeder President of Noble Knight Games and Rob Kuntz of PPP signed an exclusive distribution agreement today making Noble Knight Games, one of the largest online retailers of out of print, limited print and hard to find games, the exclusive online retailer of Pied Piper Publishing's product line.

All future sales of PPP product starting 12/22/09 will be handled exclusively by Noble Knight Games.   No PPP branded product will be available on PPP'S site.  This includes all future RPG and fiction, special non-fiction, and special art print releases, representing 100% of PPP's in print and upcoming products.

From PPP and Rob Kuntz:  "This move was a long time in coming for many excellent reasons.  I have been inundated with design work and the management of the company, art direction, accounting and product management as well as scouting for new design talent.  The additional day-to-day chores of shipping, receiving, inventory, order tracking, collating, and numerous other back-end processes related to the proper and timely shipping of product started to weigh heavily upon me and was forcing me to work 16 hour days.  A one-man show, this was taking its toll on my health as I was working an average of 6-7 days a week.  If there is one thing that Noble Knight Games has always done right is ship its products in a timely fashion.  If there is always something I have done right is to make exciting and challenging products for our fans.  With this arrangement PPP insures that everything is being done efficiently and it concentrates what both of us do best, with an end result of "better for all.""

In the meeting which lasted over 2 hours between the two, Rob and Aaron discussed the grouping of their resources for the betterment of PPP's design end and for the promotion of Noble Knight's strength in the market.  Noble Knight Games provides a proven track record of 12 years of expertise in product fulfillment. They have 6 employees which make it their business to quickly, efficiently and safely deliver printed matter, games, miniatures and a diverse inventory of game related mail order product to their consumer's doorstep without fail.  By alleviating the shipping/receiving process PPP's product release schedule will be expanded and many other processes streamlined due to this, making for a growing release schedule over the year 2010.

PPP has made available all mail database records for NKG's mailing of previous PPP customers and these customers will be receiving notices directly from NKG when new PPP product becomes available.  If they wish to be removed from that list, merely note that by return mail to NKG.

Exciting times are ahead for both PPP and NKG.  We will keep you posted on these as they develop!


  1. That's great! I bought from NKG several times and I can say that, as far as Brazil is concerned, they do a hell of a good job!

    But wait, does that mean that the dungeon sets and bottle city I bought were among the last products personally shipped by PPP? Sweet...

  2. All orders received before 12/20 were shipped by us and we have no outstanding, unfulfilled orders when we closed the ordering platforms today.

    And yes, NKG does a bang-up job and always has.

  3. This is really excellent news. I know the chore of order fulfillment was eating away at your available design time. I'm very glad you were able to make this deal happen.

  4. Great news, and kind of fun that I managed to get my order in during the old way.

  5. Thanks Joe!

    Andreas: Yes, you were the very last order under the "old system". Fancy that.... :)

  6. Excellent news, Rob, for both you and for Aaron!


  7. Congratulations to both of you and best wishes for continued success.

  8. Thanks Mike. I thought that the shirt was very fitting (as well as fitting nicely). Thanks to you and Doug for that. :)


  9. Looking forward to placing my first order through Noble Knight.

    Congratulations to all concerned, hope it's a big success for you all and Pied Piper keeps pumping out those magnificent old school adventures, supplements etc

  10. congratulations, we all win with this!

    (and yes: im from brazil and very happy with NK ;))


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