Saturday, December 26, 2009

An Old Happy Holidays

Maybe some of the stalwarts can identify the elder TSR employees in this holiday painting for the Dragon Magazine which was rendered by Dave Trampier back in the day...


  1. Well, I guess the one holding the reins is EGG and you are the smiling one ready to open the parahute.

  2. I'm more inclined to think EGG is the guy smiling back over his shoulder near the center of the picture. If so, the pipe-smoking driver logically would be Tim Kask.

    The guy hanging off the side of the sleigh has a paint brush in his back pocket, so it seems reasonable to guess that's a Trampier self-portrait.

  3. Nah, that's Tramp losing his hat.

  4. Correct so far:

    Gary smiling and enjoying the ride
    Tim Kask at Reins
    Dave Trampier losing hat
    Me parachuting

  5. Classic Trampy Artwork, thank for posting.Rob is the only character depicted that seems to know whats he's doing, if the smile is anything to go by! :)

  6. Okay, so is Dave Sutherland the guy hanging off the sleigh?

    From the descriptions of friends of mine who went to GenCons in the late '70s, I think the bearded guy next to EGG must be Tom Wham.

    Is that Mike Carr reading?

  7. Yep.

    Dave Sutherland with paint brushes

    Tom Wham appreciating the view

    Jake Jaquette reading

    Joe Orlowski falling away (no face)

  8. Atom: Heh. At least I had a parachute, thanks to Tramp... :)

  9. I've always enjoyed this image. I scanned the back cover of my copy of Dragon Magazine #11 (where this image was unveiled to the public) and posted it up on the RPG Geek website last year:

    Gary Gygax also identified the individuals in this image on another forum a few years ago.


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