Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Old Newsstand

With the retreat of printed papers and magazines as a result of the electronic medium, are we losing touch with people and community, face-to-face socializing, and supporting local businesses?  And is the investment of time and effort we put into such latter endeavors creating a richer life experience or merely isolating us in front of the silent images of a computer?


  1. Newsstands will come back into fashion in 20 years. The government ban/corporate monopoly on wireless internet access will be in full swing by then. Wifi dampeners will be the norm, making it only possible to upload news media through prescribed home based receivers or "public" access stations like the new newsstands.

    Internet accessing telephones will also be included in the ban & subject to wifi dampening, thereby necessitating some type of public access "booths" being stationed throughout cities for internet phone use.

    Everything new is old again!


  2. @Grendelwulf - I think Cybus Industries have already taken out patents.

  3. Bring back the newsstand! And the pulps!

  4. @Gredlewulf: What you just depicted sounds so sterile and asocial, though I do not doubt the possibility of it being instituted

  5. @ Bliss_infinite: I concur, though I suspect that is now but a dream, though the magazines and news publishers are fighting heartily against the tide of change.

  6. @LotGD: Thanks. I was aiming for ludicrous. Unfortunately, the sillier it sounds nowadays, the more likely it will happen.

    It's a depraved, new world.


  7. Hi, I'd like to find out some copyright info on one of the pics you have used here as I'd really like to use it for part of a CD cover for an album based on 30s and 40s pulp era fiction. Can someone email me at please?
    Cheers, Alex

  8. JA--I do not access to that sort of information; do a search under Old News Stands and look in google images. Good luck.--RJK


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