Wolfar is a barbarian, an educated Frank, who I created back in 1989. I wrote a lone novella of 20,000 words on his most daring exploit entitled, "Black Festival." This will be available soon. I have other stories outlined that I will write and publish which pertain to his various adventures here or there throughout Francia and the Mediterranean world. The action for Black Festival takes place in historical Aquintaine, Lombard and other remote parts of the area as the action shifts. The story has many fantasy elements and thus can be considered a "historical fantasy," but I chose the locale mainly due to the colorful nature of Francia at that time and the admixture of pagan and Carolingian Empire spices. It does not compare to Clark Ashton Smith's Averoigne in as much as it follows the bent of a Fafhrd minus the Gray Mouser, with some attention given to the far-ranging story line which even touches upon Wolfar's past wherein he was a Moorish galley slave. I hope that our fans appreciate this when published and support our line of fantasy fiction that I intend to publish, with this being the first of the batch! :)
Are you also the artist?
Heh. I wish I had the talent for that. No, his imprint occurs on every piece he's done for us: Eric Bergeron. There is the front cover and 4 full page interiors (one as pictured), all in B&W acrylic. I had pointed out the finish of the art previously in another post, so kinda glossed it here. :)
--I am looking forward to this release. :D
Thanks Time Shadows. Coming from an author such as yourself that is very meaningful. Good luck with current projects, BTW. :)
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