Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Through Whose Looking Glass?
"Is it not the glory of the people of America, that whilst they have paid a decent regard to the opinions of former times and other nations, they have not suffered a blind veneration for antiquity, for custom, or for names, to overrule the suggestions of their own good sense, the knowledge of their own situation, and the lessons of their own experience?" James Madison
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
"The Court Martial of Hiller C. Ranton"
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Favorite Steve Jobs Quotes X2
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Sir Ken Robinson: On Creativity
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Emile and Event Streams: A Moral Viewpoint on DMs and Players as People
I will further explain by posing among the commentary some fictitious (though not tongue-in-cheek) examples; for this "Build a Better GM"challenge is certainly beginning to look like a group of older artists, say from the late 1800's to early 1900's, who upon gathering at Paris or Brussels find themselves sipping tea or coffee whilst discussing among themselves their various techniques.
Event Stream
Back drop: A notable art gallery. Seated in one of the viewing rooms are several artists who have a number of their pieces on display and within view. They openly discuss the merits of these and the techniques used in crafting them...
Seurat (to Gaugin): Your paintings jump before the eyes, Guagin! They illuminate even this dull parlor.
(looking sidelong at Van Gogh): Unlike poor Vincent's, which are too dark, I fear.
Gaugin (absently): Ah, but the hand minds the eye's choice in such matters, does it not? True, the shades are darker, and in Paris his works do not sell as well, mostly for lack of appreciation of them I'd say, but they do voice his intent.
Van Gogh (to both): I paint what I feel. I express. And I do not want for others; it is not that I detest light so much as I can appreciate the darker shades, as well. Life is my palette and no other.
Seurat: Yes, indeed, but you miss the greater import of which Gaugin has exposed in part. Impressionism, Vincent, is now upon us. The galleries, the institutes which you despise, they are alive with it! The students, the public and the art sellers, they all clamor for more. You are not adapting to the times; even your brother thinks so.
Van Gogh: Times change as do moods. There have been masters before us and there will be many that follow. I am not concerned with the past or the future, but only with that moment when I apply my brush.
Gaugin: Well said, Vincent; and in that you remain you, Seurat remains himself and I remain Gaugin. Time for some more refreshments. Absinthe anyone?
Note: The 3rd highest priced painting to sell in the world was VVG's last self-portrait: 72+ million dollars. He is notable for being one of the few to resist institutional learning (i.e., conformist views of the time), though he had some institutional training in anatomy/human proportion. Though having great respect for the artists of his time and their methods he stayed to his own course. He did not start painting until he was 20 years of age.
Moral Questions1 (grouped): How best will we as neophyte instructors of RPG teach newcomers who seek learning, and in the broadest possible sense of that term, when we just could be, just may be, be teaching another M. A. R. Barker to be without even knowing it? And who is to say that all players or DMs could not be up and coming geniuses? For as Picasso said:
All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
My commentary from the second response in that thread:
Let me conclude this part by saying that the bolded sentence--If they exist at all it is within the specific confines of an individual who has implemented these according to their creative thrust;--refers in fact to what all of those responding to the challenge have indeed emulated! Each and every one of you has discovered over time, by learning, by challenge, by reading, by thinking, and by many other methods distinct to each and every one of you, you have discovered and brought into being from your experiences 3 creative particles. There was value in that learning, that discovery for you, wasn't there? That is why you can feel assured now in presenting these points. And now you want to pass yours along to "Build" (I suppose that means create) those in an image of it as you faintly understand it. In so doing you hope to help those who supposedly can not help themselves (even though each of you have done so in each and every case, that is, over time you have learned and progressed).
Moral Questions2 (grouped): Doesn't this very combined process expose all too clearly a dichotomy? In implementing this to "indoctrinate" newcomers and thus steer them among the choices presented, is this not channeling them along different paths that each of you took for arriving at your own individual viewpoints? How does this fit within the description and exercise of individuality for newcomers as each and every one of you have experienced for yourselves? If your past experiences and processes have produced for yourselves a heightened degree of knowledge, what are the consequences of not allowing (or foreshortening) that same learning and growth path to occur in others? Do you agree or disagree that only value-added experiences spur growth (if you believe that these two mix, then please refer to the preceding question which I reiterate as my last)?
Continuing Upon the Event Stream...
A short conversation between Socrates and a student, Ancient Greece
Student: Socrates. As you have instructed me, I have a question.
Socrates (nods): Continue.
Student (smiling): Who taught the first teacher?
Socrates (unshaken): Life.
Student (puzzled): If that is true then I need only to learn life; and if that is true, then why am I here and why do you teach?
Socrates: In answer to the first: You have not acquired that path due to indolence, a common human failing. In that lies the answer to the second.
Moral Questions3 (grouped): Are we to assume that every newcomer who is drawn to our creative hobby is doing so only for base reasons, such as: Boredom? Companionship? Lack of anything else better to do? Game-play fun? Or might they have been attracted for some of the same reasons that many of us were? Such as artistic inclination? Creative freedom? Related intellectual pursuits? Broadening of knowledge? The list is endless, of course, in both extremes, so how do we best serve the whole without limiting its parts?
Conclusion: We are dealing with unique individuals; they are not plug-and-play objects easily fitted one after the other into categories no matter what we think is true, or is the "norm," amongst ourselves. We owe it to newcomers and ourselves to be cautious and concerned in the matter of teaching and its methods.
These are the "3" I feel most strongly promote that balanced goal:
1. Each person is different, thus you have an obligation to identify that difference and nurture it in the best way that you can for their benefit. This specific tact will benefit the whole group.
2. That this course is best served by specific approaches rather than inundating each individual with a shot-gun blast of information and choices. This will allow each person the time to grow, understand and communicate their needs and interests, which thereafter can be honed by your participation in a mentoring situation.
3. Through this course you as the DM and your players will grow and excel, not just in the game, but in life as well. It will prepare your players for DMing with a courage they have won, a knowledge they have gained, and all through your patience, perseverance and subtle guidance.
Ending event stream, Master Owl and the Grasshopper
Master Owl: What is best? To serve or to be served?
Grasshopper: They are one in the same, Master Owl.
Master Owl (pausing): How so?
Grasshopper: In either I do my best and appreciate the contentment displayed in the acts
Master Owl: You are wise, grasshopper...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Another Look at Garden of the Plantmaster (1987 version)
Friday, August 19, 2011
Interesting Discussion Starting at HC
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
"Vain are the thousand creeds That move men's hearts: unutterably vain; Worthless as withered weeds, Or idlest froth amid the boundless main..." e.b.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Just Dropping In
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Valhalla Rising
While you're out perhaps exploring the City of the Gods, I was wondering if anyone hanging about here had any thoughts on the movie "Valhalla Rising." I just saw it and was baffled. I read a few reviews and they're split into two camps -- those who see it as genius and those who regard it as a steaming pile of dung. I am of both opinions, strangely. This is what I wrote in reaction to one of those negative reviews and I was wondering if anyone had an enlightened (and enlightening) take on it -- even if it's a violently negative one:
I enjoyed your review: it perfectly described half of my reaction to this movie. But the other half of me wanted this movie to say and mean something. I actually got invested in two of the characters , One-Eye and the Boy (predictably, I think). I felt the cinematography was breath taking and invested with symbolic meaning – but for the life of me I couldn’t decode it (at least on a first viewing – I don’t know if I’ll give it a second look). The strange thing is that I’m usually pretty good at finding meaning – it’s what I do for a living (teaching and writing about some of the most obscure English poetry ever conceived). I also know a fair bit about old Norse mythology and about mythic syncretism – e.g. the relationship between the stories of Odin (a one-eyed sacrifice) and Christ – but, still, the meaning wasn’t really coming together.
However, after reading some extremely negative reviews of the film (including yours – which I really have no argument with) and a few positive ones (that call it “genius” without really saying why), I started to cobble something together. The violence of that negative reception, is that anything like the violence in the film? Your review isn’t really “violent” per se, but it is frustrated and pissed-off, right? You want the film to say something (like me) and it doesn’t – isn’t that a bit like One Eye? There are interpreters (like the Boy) – various reviewers you might say – and they make guesses at what his meaning is, what One-Eye is doing or thinks or wants – but he’s as mute as a hanged Odin, as mute as this film. People try to enslave, beat, dominate and control One Eye but, like the totally obscure meaning of this film, it/he can’t really be summed up and “controlled” by any one explanation. In the end, One Eye is killed by multiple figures all as enigmatic and silent as himself – multiple meanings that can go in all kinds of different directions (and simply fade into the wilderness). It’s a meta-film, you might say, about interpreting film.
I think this also relates to the mythic syncretism of the movie – how it wants to draw parallels between Odin and Christ, how they are echoes of each other in many ways. As the Chieftain says to the kid in that interminable boat scene, the story of Christ essentially gives you an explanation for who you are and where you’re going: it puts the chaos of experience in order. That’s a fairly interesting take on religious motivations (although it’s been done before). The need to make meaning from a film is the same need that gives rise to religion.
I usually don’t like interpretations such as this because it assumes there’s a meaning (that it’s all about meaning-making) when, in fact, it could just be a poorly crafted movie. I felt frustrated through the whole experience, thinking that I deserved just a few clues about what was going on – but your review got me thinking and I feel better, now. I don’t imagine I’ve convinced you, but I wouldn’t mind hearing from some of the people above who felt they “got it” – I’d like further clarification. I realize that, to the extent that I’ve made any meaning out of this film, it just amounts to an act of faith.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Review - Bennett's Six Medieval Men and Women

Given these questions, which each player and DM answers in their own way, a perennial 'discussion' bounces around the Internet about a character's 'endgame'. What happens when fortune and glory are earned by a character over a course of time?
H.S. Bennett's book, Six Medieval Men & Women, can offer DM's and players some simple and accessible ideas on fleshing out the active life of a hero or heroine and basic treatments for campaign life beyond the dungeon. The book casts a light on the following lives from history (linked below to their Wikipedia articles):
- Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
- Sir John Fastolf
- Thomas Hoccleve
- Margaret Paston (Mrs. Paston doesn't have her own Wikipedia page, but the family letters do.)
- Margery Kempe
- Richard Bradwater (in an ironic twist, the only peasant written about in the book doesn't have a Wikipedia entry. Some things never change...)
From the book's text on its subjects, a DM can take away much insight:
- Humphrey's life gives insight into familial and political connections and the lives of royalty. While most adventurers don't necessarily hail from the 'upper class' strata of a game world, the rise and fall of a nobleman offers useful NPC background info. Humphrey's life suggests the value of characters building connections with the powerful, and his life offers more than a few 'slots' where adventurers 'outside the system' could gain prestige. As a member of the Order of the Garter, it ties in with chivalrous (or nefarious...) orders and how such pledges and allegiances both build stability but are rarely protection against the winds of political change. A peasant can, perhaps, rise above his station by exemplary deeds - a noble is always in the cross hairs of political intrigue and dare not ignore it.
- Falstof's life is perhaps the most valuable insight into the 'endgame' mentioned above. What does a fighting man in the service of a lord do with his wealth? At no point in the book are there mentions of strongholds or dungeons to protect huge chests filled with gold. In medieval history, wealth was invested and Sir John spent most of the latter part of his life at a desk managing the wealth and property of his lifetime. It suggests that even for the most 'epic' warrior, the 'endgame' path is one of literacy, management, dealing with subordinates and paid specialists, visiting judges and hiring clerks. In short, everything that a battlefield is not. For those players not willing to 'settle down' or seeking the 'thrill of the hunt', Falstof's life offers plenty of reason to jump at the high level challenges of distant lands, other planes, or expeditions into the unknown. This chapter is a treasure trove for a DM's campaign, and new adventurers can find several opportunities in the service of an aging adventurer trying to keep his stronghold(s) alive and healthy.
- Tom Hoccleve's life is perhaps the most antithetical to an adventurer's and yet closest to our own time period: he was a clerk. Note that, prior to the printing press, such clerks were important parts of the bureaucratic machinery of both Church and governments. Interacting with clerks to fetch or deliver documents could be a great 'pre-adventuring' career for player characters, and the bureaucratic background of a kingdom is overflowing with NPC's.
- Margaret Paston's life, as expressed in the book, puts the role of wife in the spotlight during the time period in which she lived - a time of great turbulence in England. It is a revealing chapter - showing much more of the 'feminine half of history' that rarely enters into chronicles - and portrays a character of great competence and determination holding a family and their property in her care.
- Margery Kempe's trials and tribulations will be a strike against the romantic image of adventuring clerics. She was a mystic and religious pilgrim, causing disruption in many places in her journeys, but keeping steadfast in her faith. She was married and bore fourteen children before being 'chosen' for a path of faith and pilgrimage, so she was not born into fanaticism. Her story and her sufferings along her strange and winding path is good fuel for campaigns that involve different faiths and service to gods. An adventurer without a weapon, and a traveller without a fixed destination, her gifts and the responses those gifts evoked are certainly great material.
- Finally, Richard Bradwater's chapter gives us a tiny glimpse into a peasant 'hellraiser' and troublemaker. This chapter's value to a DM isn't just the glimpse - it is the description of the background of courts, grievances, and 'official' interaction between peasant and ruler that is of greatest value. If the 'endgame' of a character is to be discussed, then the institution and maintenance of justice and order through a regular 'court' structure is something worth paying attention to.
Bennett's LibraryThing Link