Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Been Busy

I apologize to the followers here for my recent absence. With company business, writing, my daughter's recent college graduation, my upcoming trip to Texas and preparations for that, I have been in a word swamped.

I will no doubt get back on track after my return from Texas. I encourage authors here to post when they can. I am also thinking of making the blog open to all. The main point being: professional acumen. I have no reserve at all for deleting posts that are inflammatory or derisive of others here. Opinions about eventually doing this--opening comments for all--would bve appreciated by the current authors.

Enjoy our great weather.

Rob Kuntz


Heruka said...


Good to hear from you and to know that all is busy and well at your end. Have a good trip, by the way.

Meanwhile, I have no problem with the blog opening up to one and all - especially if there remains a healthy degree of editorial focus and some means of assuring the quality threshold you've established already. That said, let them all come.

By the way - I just started using ERKAT in a game I've been running (2 or 3 long-sessions of blast at an enhanced Keep on The Borderlands) - got to say that it has been a singularly useful, impressive and stand-out addition to my thinking and the group's experience. Very praiseworthy.

Meanwhile - your word on enjoying the weather causes me to lament this storm-lashed Welsh spring, which this year takes away all it promises and laughs maliciously even as it spits in your eye. I fear another wash-out - that will make three years with nothing you could in any way call a summer. Hope I'm wrong, but just in case - Pah!

grodog said...

Opinions about eventually doing this--opening comments for all--would bve appreciated by the current authors.I think opening the blog to comments from any readers would be very worthwhile, and foster further discussion on the posts.


rafael beltrame said...

congrats on the good news, Rob!