To begin this study, I had to look no further than a Sorceror's Scroll article from Dragon Magazine #56. Gary Gygax gives us a look into the events in the north central Flanaess region. Specifically, the article revolves around two groups of states. In the western region, the events surround the Wolf Nomads, the Rovers of the Barrens, luz, and the Horned Society. Eastward, some interesting developments allow the Duchy of Tenh to make a strong foray into the Bandit Kingdoms.
I am continuing to use the Field of Glory wargaming rules to represent these forces. The only change I am making is to the order of scale for these armies. Previously, I used a representation of 25 men-at-arms per model base ratio. This allowed for a manageable sized army of 100 or so models.
However, some of the following armies number in the tens of thousands. This means one would need a few thousand models! So, I am using a recommendation given in the FoG rules: change the ratio of men per base. For simplicity's sake, I am changing the ratio to 250 men-at-arms per base. For battles between such overwhelming legions, this is entirely appropriate. If, for some reason, you would want to use one of the armies given in any of the previous five Armies of Oerth posts, the representations given here could be seen as representing a portion (a one-thousandths) of the greater legions.
Now, to continue...
The Wolf Nomads' Army List
Commander-in-Chief: Bargru, Tarkhan & Commander of
the Relentless Horde (F 14th level/MU(I) 2nd level) = 1 base
Medium Cavalry: 2000 (Guards) = 8 bases
(3 models/base; riders on horses, leather armour & moderate shields, lances)
Light Cavalry: 10000 (Regulars) = 40 bases
(2 models/base; riders on horses, no armour & small shields, hand weapons)
Light Horse Archers: 7000 (Regulars) = 28 bases
(2 models/base; riders on horses, no armour & small shields, bows)
Armored Crossbowmen: 1000 (Regulars) = 4 bases
(4 models/base; Foot, helms & chest armour & moderate shields, crossbows)
So, this totals 81 bases with 177 models on them.
NOTE: Sorcerer's Scroll, Dragon Magazine #55. Gygax has given us a brief look at the racial populations & some national dress guidelines that could be used when painting this army. He mentions the Wolf Nomads being intermixed with the Rovers of the Barons. Even though they are partially of the Baklunish strain, they racially show the darker Flan blood.
Flannae: bronze skin, black to brown hair, dark brown eyes, clothing is of solid bright hues with yellow ochre and vermillion being the favorites, and the more civilized Flan dress in the mode currently fashionable in their portion of the continent.
Now, as tempting to build this army is, the next army I want to tackle is coming up. And it's going to take a lot of building & painting.
Next up...Iuz
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