I've often wondered about what might have inspired the beholder. Did it have any antecedents in pulp fantasy literature? Was it based on a piece of artwork, like the remorhaz in this earlier entry? A nightmare perhaps? The seeds from which great ideas spring can be found almost anywhere and that's certainly true in the case of D&D, whose monsters have origins as diverse as rubber "dinosaur" toys from Japan (like the rust monster and bulette) or fondness for a particular movie from one's youth (like the iron golem).
I personally find tales of the origins of D&D monsters fascinating and would love to know more of them. Do any of my fellow contributors have any insights to share on the beholder's genesis?
Subject: Re: the original beholder
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 10:56:22 -0600
To: Geoffrey McKinney
Geoffrey McKinney wrote:
> Dear Rob Kuntz:
> Sorry for asking such a trivial question, but I'm fascinated by the origins of things D&D.
In his preface to the 1977 Monster Manual, Gary Gygax wrote that he wanted to acknowledge the contribution of "Terry Kuntz, who was never thanked for his prototypical beholder, a revised version of which was included in GREYHAWK."
>What was this "prototypical" beholder like? How did it differ from that in GREYHAWK? Do you have the stats and description of it?
> Any information at all about this would interest me greatly and be much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Geoffrey McKinney
My brother, Terry, created the beholder, first, by writing a short story about it (since lost) and afterwards he wrote up the "prototype" of it and presented it to EGG and myself for inclusion in supplement #1, Greyhawk in 1975. He was never thanked for this due to an oversight on EGG's part; and so when it was updated to 1E, EGG made a note on this in the front matter of MM. That's about it. No alternate statistics existed, though the idea of many eyes having many different magical spells/powers is altogether my brother's conception.
Rob Kuntz
Also note that this history was included by myself in Paizo's MONSTER ECOLOGIES book several years ago, and I quote a post from PPP's Ye Olde Forums: "I have received my comp copies of Paizo's Monster Ecologies and it looks pretty sharp. They list the ecologies of many monsters from the Dragon Ecologies run and include time-line histories from TSR products on up to note changes/comparison, some really good art in many cases and quotes from industrial professionals like EGG and (yep, yours truly) myself (mine was on the history of the beholder).
I must extend a most belated thanks to your brother, Terry. To have one of these beasts raging in a frenzy was real poetry in motion. It is true, the beauty is in the ire of the beholder...
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